Get Master Flow Execution Progress

{ getMasterFlowProgressUpdate }

This returns the status and progress of a running Master Flow



  • API Section: /API2/dataSources
  • API Version: 2.0
  • From Release: 2020.20
  • Method operates via POST actions only.
  • Input Parameters






    The schedule's system ID

    Output Response

    Successful Result Code


    Response Type

    Description of Response Type

    The master flow progress update


    This function should be used in conjunction with other functions that can launch the execution of a master flow. The functions result shows the different tasks, their status and any error messages if they exist.

    Data Flow Operations (JavaScript):

    This example demonstrates how to update data flow objects and execute flows in Pyramid.

    The example uses API authentication driven from JavaScript. See Authentication APIs for alternatives.

    // URL of the Pyramid installation and the path to the API 2.0 REST methods
    var pyramidURL = "";
    const DEMO_FILE = 'url/test.pie';
    const FILE_NAME = 'test';
    example  - import master flow content, fix sources and execute
    	createNewFolder - f1
    	findRole  - role1
    	addRoleToFolder - role1 to folder of item 1
    	create server - optional 
    const token = callApi(
    			data: {
    				userName: 'pyramid user name',
    				password: 'password',
    log('got token ' + token);
    const defaultTenant = callApi('access/getDefaultTenant', {
    	auth: token,
    const tenantPublicFolder = callApi('content/getPublicOrGroupFolderByTenantId', {
    		folderTenantObject: {
    			validRootFolderType: 1, //the public folder of the default tenant
    			tenantId: defaultTenant,
    	auth: token,
    const folderCreation = callApi('content/createNewFolder', {
    	folderTenantObject: {
    		folderName: 'new folder',
    	auth: token,
    const folderId = folderCreation.modifiedList[0].id;
    const findRole = callApi('access/getRolesByName', {
    	data: {
    		searchValue: 'role 1',
    		searchMatchType: 2, //SearchMatchType.Equals
    	auth: token,
    const roleId =[0].roleId;
    log('found role with id= ' + roleId);
    //adding the role we found to the folder we created (folderId)
    	const addRoleToFolder = callApi('content/addRoleToItem', {
    		roleToItemApiData: {
    		itemId: folderId,
    		roleId: roleId, //SearchMatchType.Equals
    	auth: token,
    const pieFile = readPieFile(DEMO_FILE);
    const importContent = callApi('content/importContent', {
    		pieApiObject: {
    			rootFolderId: folderId,
    			fileZippedData: pieFile,
    			clashDefaultOption: 1, //ClashDefaultOption.REPLACE_FILE like default
    			rolesAssignmentType: 3, //RoleAssignmentType.ForceParentFolderRoles take roles from parent folder
    	auth: token,
    log('import file completed');
    //search for the item we just imported
    	const findContentItem = callApi('content/findContentItem', {
    		searchParams: {
    			searchString: FILE_NAME,
    			filterTypes: [4], //ContentTypeObject.ETLFlow
    			searchMatchType: 2, //SearchMatchType.Equals
    			searchRootFolderType: 1, //SearchRootFolderType.Public
    		auth: token,
    const itemId = findContentItem[0].id;
    log('found the file by name: item ID is ' + itemId);
    //validate master flow
    const validationResult = callApi('dataSources/validateMasterFlow', {
    	validateMasterFlowObject: { itemId: itemId },
    	auth: token,
    // random GUID
    const serverId = '7385130a-d87f-404d-816b-5c296c27b4ad';
    // handle sources issues
    if (validationResult.sources.length > 0) {
    log('create server');
    // create server (if has alreafy get it by server name)
    	const createResult = callApi('dataSources/createDataServers', {
    		serverData: [
    		id: serverId,
    		serverName: 'apiMashwinds',
    		serverType: 5,
    		serverIp: '',
    		port: 1433,
    		writeCapable: 1,
    		securedByUser: false,
    		serverAuthenticationMethod: 0,
    		userName: 'sa',
    		password: 'snap3535!',
    		useGlobalAccount: false,
    		overlayPyramidSecurity: false,
    	auth: token,
    log('fixing sources');
    // In this example only the server ID is replaced, where the database remains the same
    const sourceObject = validationResult.sources[0];
    const modifiedItemsResult = callApi('dataSources/updateSourceNodeConnection', {
    	connectionObject: {
    		itemId: itemId,
    		dataFlowNodeId: sourceObject.dataFlowNodeId,
    		serverId: serverId,
    		databaseName: sourceObject.databaseName,
    	auth: token,
    log('fixing targets');
    if (validationResult.targets.length > 0) {
    		const targetObject = validationResult.targets[0];
    		const res = callApi('dataSources/updateTargetNodeConnection', {
    		connectionObject: {
    			useExistingDatabase: false,
    			itemId: itemId,
    			dataFlowNodeId: targetObject.dataFlowNodeId,
    			serverId: serverId,
    			databaseName: 'NewDbExample',
    	auth: token,
    log('fixing variables');
    if (validationResult.variables.length > 0) {
    	const variableObject = validationResult.variables[0];
    		const res = callApi('dataSources/updateVariableConnection', {
    		connectionObject: {
    			itemId: itemId,
    			variableName: variableObject.variableName,
    			serverId: serverId,
    	auth: token,
    log('execute master flow');
    const executeMasterFlowResult = callApi('dataSources/executeMasterFlow', {
    	executeMasterFlowObject: {
    		itemId: itemId,
    auth: token,
    const scheduleId = executeMasterFlowResult.scheduleId;
    let inProgress = true;
    let counter = 0;
    // while
    while (inProgress && counter < 60) {
    	const masterFlowProgressUpdate = callApi('dataSources/getMasterFlowProgressUpdate', {
    	scheduleId: scheduleId,
    	auth: token,
    const taskStatus = masterFlowProgressUpdate.taskStatus;
    if (
    	taskStatus == null ||
    	taskStatus == 0 /*TaskStatus.PENDING*/ ||
    	taskStatus == 4 /*TaskStatus.RUNNING*/
    ) {
    	setTimeout(() => console.log('sleep'), 1000);
    	log('taskStatus: ' + taskStatus + ' counter: ' + counter);
    	} else {
    	log('Execute finish - ' + taskStatus);
    	inProgress = false;
    function log(msg) {
    	document.write(msg );
    function callApi(path, data, parseResult = true) {
    	var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', PYRAMID_URL + path, false);
    		if (parseResult) {
    		return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
    	} else {
    		return xhttp.responseText;
    function readPieFile(file) {
    	var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', file, false);
    	if (rawFile.readyState === 4 && rawFile.status === 200) {
    		return rawFile.responseText;